17 January, 2010

The Ultimate "Ocarina of Time" playthrough - Chapter 8

So here we are at the Zora part of Adult AAAAAAAA's life. I mean after everything that we have seen so far, surely it's only gonna get harder from this point? Well from what I have seen so far, only mostly. Welcome to the party - The Ultimate "Ocarina of Time" playthrough - Chapter 8!
"I'll lead the way. Follow me, quickly!!" - Stupid Ruto, Shortly before completely disappearing
You know this part of the game makes it easy to break this playthrough into segments. The start was a bit messy, probably because of that sword fiasco. But, as I showed enthusiasm for in the last segment, I must travel along the Zora's river again. Not really a place I like.

That bean I planted so so long ago has finally grown up. And now I can... Fly on it? Well thats useful, I can skip one part. This part is rather long and pretty uneventful anyway. Actually as child AAAAAAAA I didn't know that I could jump up a particular ledge (I'm noticing a pattern here, why the hell can't I just use a button to jump? That blue button spends a lot of time doing nothing you know, and theres a shoulder button spare, as well as a d-pad...).

So into the Zora's domain I go, and find that it's frozen. Well there's a suprise. So I guess I have to save the people, blah blah blah. Usual dull affair here, nothing really new or fun, because we've done it before. AAAAAAAA already saved the Gorons, so he must save the Zoras too! Because everyone else in this world can't be bothered. Shame there's no police or anything like that to stop Gannondorf. Apparently the guards at Hyrule Castle don't count as the law and order. Or anyone.

Anyway, it seems to be pointing me in the way of Jabu-Jabu. Kinda obvious.

I just can't tell. Also I don't care.

And outside? A frozen Jabu-Jabu. I think. I mean the shape is quite a but different, and I'm sure it's smaller, but it's a frozen thing for sure. So it's an ice jumping puzzle, yeah, thats cool. Alundra had something like this too. Except this jumping puzzle really is unforgiving if you make a mistake. Which you will.

I'm just a little confused at this point. Is this not the water temple? Because there isn't an ice temple. So I'm not too sure whats going on. Is it an icy water temple? Is that why it's so hard? And Shiek is here to reach another song. This is getting to be quite a chore. Go to dungeon, meet Shiek, learn new song, then explain nothing again. That is just so pointless. And once again it seems that no-one wants to help AAAAAAAA complete a dungeon, where he risks his life just for these ungrateful ingrates.

But no. It's just another excuse to add some gameplay gimmic. Which they must have decided wasn't much fun, so they just gave it a mini dungeon with some important plot reward. I actually could have enjoyed this part if I didn't run out of arrows, so every time I tried to get the blue flame again those stupid bats would hit me again. And those giant ice heads also became quite annoying.

To reward me for this pointless side dungeon, I get Iron Boots, which allow me to add weights to my boots apparently. Er, what? So AAAAAAAA only actually has these weights when they are equipped? Where are they in the mean time? As a side note I read up on some Zelda source that the items are shrunk in size and weight by the fairy, and then carried by the main character. This sounds something similar to what I said at the start. But this is a bit of a cop-out. Okay, the fairy shrinks everything. Then what about everyone else? People give items to the character at a lot of points. So at those points in fact these things just materialise out of nothing? Whatever anyway. I couldn't care less at this point. I don't like the "do things first, explain never" policy of Zelda games. Not that these games are the only offender of this point. I suppose at the very least they eventually tried to explain the phonomena in some way.

Anyway at least during this confusing dungeon was short. Even so, I unfroze the king of the Zoras thinking it was what you were meant to do, and I was right, but I didn't realise for a while that the walls in the ice side dungeon were the intended target for the fire. Yeah I'm just barely describing points that actually took me hours to do at this point, I know. But there's so much more to go! Including actually visiting Lake Hyrule, rather than that wierd part many chapters ago with the letter in the bottle. So the lakes drained. Looks good. Nice and sunny. Better not go in the water, er, in case of water spiders. Or Super-Aids. 

I don't want to go into the Water temple.

Every discussion I have had with people about this game, every website looking back to this game, all warned me about this dungeon. Now as you can see, I have had many many problems with the past dungeons, so yes. I really didn't want to start it.

Just those words are enough to stir dischord in any Zelda players heart. Just the opening screen does that for me. And the file select screen. And menu screen. And pretty much everything in this game actually.

What the hell is the problem with this dungeon? And I don't mean that against the dungeon itself! It actually was one of the easiest so far! Excepting perhaps the very first dungeon in the tree, this really was a walk in the park. What was so hard about it?

I thought that this was the best designed dungeon so far actually. I only got lost a couple of times, and that was from going a way I shoudn't have.

The things that annoyed me in this dungeon were actually very far and few between. Lets see... The whirlpools were irritating, and put me down to low health, but didn't kill me. The oyster things took me a little while to work out how to kill, but then they were easy. Same with the puffer things. But that actually was all of the problems I had. Well except for the boss, it gave me one game over.

Did you dissappear for most of the dungeon?

What happened to Ruto? When playing, I thought I had to find her again. But suprisingly, I didn't. So thats one less annoyance that could have been in this dungeon. So very shocking to me that I didn't need see her at any point playing in this place!

Indeed I shall!

And what was the deal with Dark AAAAAAAA? From what I have read this should have been one of the hardest battles so far. Once again wrong. I found this battle... manageable. I didn't do brilliantly, but I only lost 6 hearts in this battle. Which isn't really that bad, compared to all the other mini-bosses I have faced so far. As a matter of fact all of the other ones gave me a game over so far. Not this one!

Then one last complaint that other people have is that changing the water level was long and arduous. I didn't think that changing the water was as bad as people suggested. Someone mentioned that the path was hard, but two water spiders and two of those puffer things wasn't bad compared to what some have been up to this point.

I suppose overall, I would say that this dungeon was one of the easiest so far, as mentioned. But I would complain about that too. I don't really have anything to complain about this dungeon really. It reminded me of a Link to the Past quite a bit though.

Yeah I still think about Metal Gear Solid every time it introduces the bosses. So this would be Liquid Snake.

Now, the boss was really irritating. I mean only one game over, but it took so so long to die. As long as you could hide from the water snake thing you were safe. But that boss name is rather stupid, Amoebas are single celled organisms. Even a giant one would still be tiny. Plus amoebas live in water anyway, so saying aquatic is pointless. Not that I was looking for logic in boss names anyway.

Then it died. By my sword.

If all Zelda dungeons were designed like this I think that I actually could like the series. No shock there that hardcore Zelda fans hate this dungeon, or look back at it with bad memories. It was simple. The repetition to move the water level really wasn't that bad. It could have been so much more a chore than it was.

Anyway then Ruto gives you another useless medallion. Also she apparently gives you her power, but I have noticed that this is nonsense. Which is annoying. But, at the very very least I have 3 more dungeons to complete, then the game is over! And boy oh boy I really can't wait. I'm really psyched after finishing the Water Temple. So where to now, my faithful fairy chum Navi?

Oh. Really helpful. So where the hell is that? Hello? Helllllooooo?

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