12 February, 2010

The Ultimate "Ocarina of Time" playthrough - Chapter 9

Happy February! One of the best months I reckon. That isn't a lie, but the same applies to all months. March, now there's another good one. But enough of that rubbish. Part 9 is finally live!

"AAAAAAAA?!" - Basically everyone in this game that tries to pronounce his name... That are Stupid. 
So I guess check out west, I've haven't been in that direction yet. But why is the map still flashing at that god-damn Kakarico village? If only this was Alundra the game wouldn't be telling me to go to two places. Just isn't fair!

That's 4 flashing dots. At the very least, one is lying.

I guess that I have to now go to west. I have not been there before and it's one of the places flashing on the map. Still, I still wish that finding out where to go was like Alundra.

I went to the valley. I was never here before so I didn't know what to expect. But a broken bridge... That was a very silly game progression challenge. But I got over there to find out that while they are trying to fix the bridge, four of the workers had quit to join the Gerudo. Seemed a bit silly to me. Four tradesmen, who had most likely had families and had dedicated their lives to this trade just decide to join a group of bandits. Just like that. But if there's anything that I have learned from this game so far it's that don't expect any creditable logic to take place in their decisions.

Looks like a stone trailer park

Taking the advice from the foreman then, I went to the fortress. And got arrested. So despite the face that AAAAAAAA has probably killed many bosses, survived many traps and various other things he just willingly gets taken hostage by these people. Who seem to survive mysteriously even though the entire tribe is female. Except Gannondorf. So a male is born every hundred years, and he is made king of the tribe is what my sources tell me. I also assume that he also makes all the babbies too. What a lucky guy. I wonder why he wants to take over the world and become the king of evil when he has a whole tribe that he needs to impregnate to ensure their survival. I can assume that, or this tribe just rapes the men that they capture. And that doesn't seem likely because most people in this game are rather simple minded. Reminds me of Fallout 3, in Little Lamplight. It's a town full of kids, and they kick out any residents that turn 18. So how come there are so many kids? Perhaps they kidnap people too and force them to procreate? I mean in Little Lamplight, sure, they would be old enough to make the babby, but considering that the doctor in the town openly admits that all she really does is tend to the little scratches that happen to them (and the occasional gunshot wound) only she doesn't seem much like a midwife. Oh well.

I wake up in what I suppose is a cell. They didn't take any of my stuff, which doesn't seem that logical. Also they left the window open. I then make my obvious escape. But where do I go from here is where I am a bit lost. It's like a warren, loads of doors and inside awaits a maze. So after a bit of skilful jumping, I start back up in my Metal Gear Solid mind, and take out the guards with some bow and arrowing. After a little while I found myself over a large hole back outside. I jumped in, not realising that it was my cell again. Ah. So not that way I take it.

I then went back to the same place and hookshotted (?) to a treasure chest, which had another piece of heart! Now I know that these are meant to be in hard to reach places, but this one was pretty easy. So I think I just found a path that wasn't meant to be taken in that way. Obviously of course.

So after jumping down, and a good bit of running around, I found a cell with a man in it. I then had to give a good beating to the guard (Johnny!) which didn't go so well. Then I was back in the cell. That is a rather stupid plot device. So I make my way back, defeat the guard and free the slaves. I mean workman. And he tells me to rescue the other three.

I mean come on. That, even at the time, was an overused plot device. Do these four very repetitive tasks that involve doing the same thing. And the other guards never notice that I'm freeing the tradesmen! They don't step up the guard, they don't put more than one guard at a cell, they don't take any of my stuff every time I get captured again (which happened a lot).

Anyway after getting lost a number of times trying to find the last one, I finally found him and defeated the guard. Then he goes free, and you get make an honorary Gerudo. Yeah, sure. I remember attacking guards many times with arrows and defeating them in battle. Makes perfect sense that they would be friendly with you now. This part is just ridiculous.

They then let you into the desert. And about time. It's rather easy, just follow the flags. Then follow the ghost to the Spirit Temple. Yeah I had the eye of truth at this point too, I'll explain about that later. I don't want to though. Hated that dungeon.

 This part was like torture. Easy torture.

So then I arrive at the temple. It is a long enough journey too. Anyway. I go in, and find nothing. I can't do anything. At all. Some old tome talks about the future and the past, so I assume that I have to go here as child AAAAAAAA. I teleport to the Temple of Time, you know, like a logical person, and try and go back to the Spirit Temple. But I can't get past the bridge as a child. Even though I have the proof of the Gerudo and paper evidence, they won't let me past or even talk to me. So that's another thing that this game has taught me. It has no consistency. Before, I had to show the letter to the guard to get up Death Mountain. Why didn't they let me do that here?

Back to experienced Zelda player time. I just couldn't take more of this.

He said that as Adult Link you need to exit the Spirit Temple, and then Sheik will teach you the song to teleport there.

So that's another classical example of bad game design. Not everyone is going to use the door to exit the Spirit Temple! If you are going to allow teleports, then work your game plan around it. Wouldn't it have made sense if I was taught the song BEFORE I went into the temple?

So I went back to the Temple of Time, and had to trek back across to the Spirit Temple as adult AAAAAAAA, enter it, then exit. Now that is just stupid. Oh and look who I found stalking me in this cut scene?

What? Not this guy again...

So I take myself back to the past, no need for any nerd, and teleport to the Spirit Temple as child AAAAAAAA. Anyway inside I find the leader of the Gerudo, who wants me to get something for her. Fat chance, anything I get in here is mine.

"Surprised to see me?"

Dungeon time. This dungeon really wasn't that interesting, just defeating some of the monsters was quite hard. And the puzzles were easy enough. And the mini-boss wasn't as hard as one of the monsters back at the start of this dungeon. I don't know, was it just me? This place was dull.

Back outside to grab me some new bracers that don't fit AAAAAAAA as a child. Typical. Then the girl gets kidnapped by some witches? And AAAAAAAA does nothing except stare at what is going on a bit. Oh and guess who is still stalking? I think that this actually could be the last time I ever see that Owl. Which is sad in a way. Actually no it's not. He only talked to break the fourth wall and waste time explaining nothing interesting. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

No. I am not surprised. Happy that this is the last encounter, yes, but not surprised. You gotta work on that stalking thing a bit more.

I then came back to the temple as Adult AAAAAAAA. I pushed the giant block out of the way, another silly game progression challenge. Then inside was an easy do-able puzzle. But the other puzzle was impossible. I had to collect the silver rupees, which was impossible. Because there was one stuck in the air. No matter what I did I couldn't get that last piece of the puzzle. I jumped. Backflipped. Bombed it. Used every single thing that I owned to try and collect it. But nothing worked, to no surprise. I then thought that I had to get the new jumping boots from somewhere (Once again, thanks Alundra)! But I was really annoyed. It seemed so simple. Everything was going relatively well at this point, until they threw another annoying part here. So once again, hopefully for the last time as the end of the game must be drawing close, I am stuck. Experienced Zelda player won't tell me where to go at this point either. He just keeps laughing at me that it should be simple what to do now.

See ya around...

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