22 March, 2010

The Ultimate "Ocarina of Time" playthrough - Chapter 10

And it was thus said, it is now the time to use Windows Live Writer, for it doth make life easier to upload more rubbish, instead of using the not so good built web experience that is the blogger edit utility. This is the holy word of Microsoft. And it’s actually pretty good.

But enough of that. It’s time again to rip open my heart and purge the hatred for Ocarina of time from its depths. This month we experience drama, ruination (which is a word apparently) and shadows. Plus this series has reached it’s 10th entry! Not really worth celebrating really though.

“I'll never forget what happened on that day, seven years ago!” – Stupid Windmill Man, after forgetting what happened on that day, seven years ago
Oh my. I know I wished for this, but I didn't realise that the Zelda designers thought about this place the same way as me!


"We didn't start the fire, it's been burning as the world's been turning"
So um, Sheik is there too for some unknown reason. And he teaches me the last teleport song. I just can't believe it. I have all the teleports! The end of the game must be drawing close! I can feel it!

So very surprisingly I am then just standing in front of the Shadow Temple. Well, I may as well finish it while I'm here. So I light all the torches with some explosion thingy, still not too sure what other use it has, and enter the temple.

Ah ha. This dungeon is very linear. Not too sure what to say about this one, it was kind of short compared to the others. It also didn't have many puzzles in it either. It just required a lot of use of the eye of truth, that was it really. I'm serious. This dungeon was just too easy and short compared to the others.

At the start of this place, however, I got the hover boots. So no double jumping boots for me then. That makes me unhappy in a way that cannot be expressed in words. =(

To be honest the only difficult part of this dungeon was the boss. I am playing this game with a Playstation controller, meaning that I had to map the C buttons to the right analogue stick. Unfortunately if I had to use the c buttons in a hurry, sometimes when returning the stick to the default position it would activate the c button directly opposing it. Which make this boss nigh impossible. For this battle, I mapped the c buttons to the directional buttons to try and make it easier for me. This make aiming the arrows almost impossible, and I had to rely on the Z targeting for most of the battle. Which of course doesn't work very well in this battle either. And then on top of that this boss is really hard regardless of control scheme. And the icing on the cake is this was the first boss that was took rather long to try and re-challenge. I mean getting back to the boss once you died… Just too long and arduous for me. Wait. that doesn’t sound like me at all!

It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I will forever despise and curse you. 

Needless to say I died many times, and gave up in frustration twice as well. Normally this would be reserved for puzzles or something like that, but this was the first boss that make me give up in frustration.

So very eventually I defeated it. I wouldn't say it was the hardest battle I have ever won in a game (that goes to Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy VIII, my team were all level 100, meaning that his HP was around 2,000,000. It took me actual months of attempts to defeat it. Actual actual months) but it was pretty difficult.

So I can get the silver coin at the Spirit Temple! Oh there's Impa. So I guess she died as well? This is a very depressing world indeed.

So 4 dungeons down, and only one half to go! This is good. I am so close to the and of the game that I can almost taste it!

Back at the Spirit Temple then. So I collect the coin and carry on with the challenges. This place is actually a lot harder than the child AAAAAAAA version. So a lot more stuff happens, and you have to face against the Mini-boss again. Ah. So another thing that they have recycled. But after this you get the MIRROR SHIELD! Which I guess you use to solve puzzles. Just like everything else.

Some uninspired and shit puzzles later, you actually get to one that... Is the same as the rest. Except you have to go through a few rooms to solve it. It's a light puzzle... Which activates a pulley system back into the statue room to do... what. What am I meant to do here. This thing surely dropped down for a reason. Oh yes I also fell off at one point and had to go through loads of rooms to get back up. So what did I have to do?

Again after using up most of my inventory, I had to use the hookshot to grab on to a grate. Funny enough you have never had to do this before and most things that looked like that before you couldn't hook on to. Why do they keep doing things like this? Why do they keep changing the rules based on context? It's like they got so uninspired that they decided that whatever they could throw in would work. And it worked me up good.

Then another of those Mini-bosses... only to find out when you defeat it that it was the Gerudo leader person thingy! I didn't see that coming! Also I don't care. Where is the behead button?

Whoa. The creativity was positively flowing off the game designers at this point. 

Anyway then you have a rather easy double boss battle. I didn't have any problems with either part. So I don't have anything interesting to say about this part really, perhaps except that the hover boots are another stupid piece of clothing that got put in this game purely as a puzzle device instead of anything logical. Why not wear the hover and the iron boots at the same time? I think you would fall slower. Or something. Or the Zelda universe would explode.

Anyway that's it for the dungeon series. I hope that at the very least you enjoyed it, I certainly didn't, and that you can come back for the last 3 parts of the Ultimate Zelda: Ocarina of time Playthrough!

*Edit* - Omega Weapon in FFVIII actually had 1,161,000 HP, still making it the toughest single fight boss in the game. Considering that at the time You couldn't hit over 9,999 damage (except in very particular situations) it was still a very hard fight. 

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